Jamaican/Caribbean Comic Book Universe - E-Book
Created by Stephen Oti
Trailer for
The Great Defenders Secret Origins
About Eternasis
The Caribbean has mountains of culture that has yet to be tapped into for in depth fictional storytelling.
With this venture I, Stephen Oti, aim to create and develop interesting/deep Jamaican and Caribbean characters which convey our culture seamlessly.
Providing quality stories that have action packed tales allowing my customers to follow along their favourite characters.
Whether that be through relatability, who inspires them, or even who they fear.
Where it all Started...
Years ago I created many characters for my universe when I was in High School. I put countless hours of deep thought into what motivates each, they're upbringing, even something as simple as what high school they attended.
Since then I've modified them to what I believe is the best way to present them to entertain the reader as much as possible.